Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012

This has been another disappointing week.  I got my bloodwork done on Monday morning.  I called Monday afternoon to check if my counts were ok for chemo.   I was told they were.  Then I saw my doctor on Tuesday.  Evidently my neutrophils were too low.  That is the count that landed me in he hospital in April.  So that count, combined with the white count, meant I could not get chemo.  On a brighter note, my protein level is continuing to climb.  It's still low, but getting clse to being in the normal range.

There have been some good parts to this week, too.  We had a very lovely memorial for my mom last Saturday.  All of her grandchildren and great grandchildren sang "I am a Child of God" and impressed all of the older folks from the home.  It was awfully impressive to see all of those grandchildren/great grandchildren standing there ( and only about 1/2 were there!).  We had a nice lunch/dinner for the family after and enjoyed seeing cousins we haven't seen in a while.  The great grandchildren all let balloons filled with helium go.I am so glad I had the support of all of our family.  It's nice to be from such a large family at a time like this.  My dad did very well, too.  I was really tired and thought it was just all the emotion but now I know part of it was my counts. We capped the evening by watching the City of Lakewood fireworks show from our front lawn.

Yesterday we had a block party.  We have not been able to get a permit for the last three years due to a knucklehead neighbor letting off illegals.  (He then lost his house a couple of months later).  But we blocked off the street, had a great water slide and a great jumper.  We had more food than we could possibly eat and of course, lots of family and friends.  It seems like more people had fireworks so the show went on and on.  My 3 Arizona grandkids got to stay the week with us.  Their other grandparents are picking them up Saturday but I didn't think I was going to get any time with them this summer. We've just been hanging out but today the kids went with me to try to find a dog.  No luck yet, but it took me about 10 trips to the animal shelter to find Axel.

Now it's just a case of getting enough rest so that hopefully I can get chemo next Wednesday.