Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

Well, I always intended to post another blog after my follow-up colonoscopy and seeing my oncologist.  This just isn't what I thought I would be writing about.

My colonoscopy turned out fine.  There was one small polyp that would not normally be sent out for biopsy but because of my history, it was.  It turned out not to be cancer.  I had a CT scan at the end of December.  I was feeling great.  I am starting to get back my energy and feel like my old self.  I have been exercising and doing what I should be doing.

I met with my oncologist last Thursday.  It seems like there are now multiple mets to my liver.  Because there are multiple spots, I am not a candidate for surgery.  She tried to get me in a study but I am not eligible because it came back so quickly. The liver does not react well to radiation so the only thing left is chemo.  I will be on the same regiment but with a different medication.  I am working until 2/1 and begin treatment on 2/13.  I guess it's a good thing I didn't have my port taken out.

Josh, Angie and the girls will move in with me.  Getting this 4 bedroom house is really looking like a blessing.  They will use the rooms downstairs and I will keep my room upstairs unless it comes to a point where I can't manage the stairs.  There is a nice, big balcony upstairs where I can go to sit outside in nice weather. Of course, that's also where I fell and broke my wrist in December (but it was raining and the tile was slippery). My family, as always, has been amazing!  They are so supportive.  Also, Chuck was supposed to go to Phoenix on Thursday but for some reason, when the trip came through, the pick up wasn't until Friday morning.  So he got to come home on Thursday night and I was able to tell him face to face. It really wasn't something I would have wanted to tell him over the phone!  Then, the delivery wasn't due until last night so he got to spend the weekend with me and we were able to get all of these plans in motion.  Also, the ward I am in now is awesome!  I feel like I have so much support there.  I really feel like God's hand guided me getting this house.  And my landlord is a coworker so she has also been very supportive of having another 4 people move in.

I am still pretty numb about the news but I just ask for all of your prayers for my strength and to guide the doctors.  I am so thankful for all of you in my life and it is truly a blessing to feel your love, support, and prayers.  I will be blogging again soon.