Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18, 2013

Well, I did not get to start chemo last week.  I had gone to the dentist the week before to get my teeth cleaned and I knew I had lost a crown.  There had also been a crown the dentist had wanted to replace last year and I couldn't get it done due to the last chemo round.  The x-rays showed that there was now decay under that crown.  The dentist determined that I probably needed a root canal on that tooth. So when I saw the oncologist, she said I needed to have that work completed before I could start chemo.  My dentist referred me to an specialist who was able to get me in the next day and complete all the work in just one day (4 hours sitting in the chair with a bite opener in my mouth).  I expected the worse because I've never had a root canal before but it wasn't bad at all.  I didn't even have pain after (and I hadn't had any before).  So now I am ready to start chemo this Wednesday.

In the meantime, I had a great week last week.  I got to see all of my grandchildren.  Jennifer and her 3 met Chuck and I at the park for a few hours.  We followed that up with some Coldstone ice cream.  Then I went to Arizona for the weekend.  Bailey had her regional spelling bee while I was there and finished 5th.  The boy who won was incredible!  He just rattled off the spelling of words that most adults would find difficult.  Then we went on to her All-District Honor band performance.  It was fantastic and I am so proud of the effort she puts into her music.  She is looking forward to playing in marching band when she starts high school next year.  We went out to dinner and on Sunday, my friends, Mike and Patti, drove to see us.  I left Arizona and went home by way of Anza to visit Jordan, Amity, and Randi.  Their new home is so cute and cozy!  Randi loves having the big yard to play in. They had snow the week before I was there and are expecting more tomorrow.The view from their porch is spectacular.

When I returned home, Chuck got home for a few days.  We got more accomplished around here.  Hannah's and Ella's rooms are looking great.  They had friends sleepover this last Saturday and had a great time.  Everyone is adjusting quite well.  If I go upstairs to my room and close the door, it is very quiet, even if the girls are upstairs in the family room.  I am so thankful that I moved into this house!  We all love the neighborhood.  Probably the biggest adjustment is the 4 dogs and 1 cat. The 3 little dogs can get pretty rambunctious! 

I;ve also had several friends come by to visit and I've gone out with friends for dinner a few times.  I appreciate all of the cards and visits.  I've also met friends from school for lunch a few times when they've been at district meetings and go out to lunch.  It's nice that I am so close to school so that I can do that at the drop of a hat.It helps to keep my spirits up and I am working hard to do that.

One last item of news to share.  I got a call from a surgeon at the Sunset hospital.  He had looked at my scans and thinks surgery may be a possibility.  Usually if there is more than 1 tumor they won't attempt surgery.  But mine are clustered together so it would be possible to take a piece of the liver and get rid of all of them.  There is also one (the larger one) on the other tip so he would cut that off as well.  He wants me to do 4 rounds of chemo, do another CT scan and then we'll meet again to decide if he will do the surgery.  If the chemo is working and the tumors shrink, he will proceed.  It gave me a lot more hope and encouragement so if you are praying for me, please add that to the list!

Thanks again to all of you for your love and support.  I could not be doing this without all of you!

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