Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 2012

First of all, can I just say that I really like my oncologist.  I asked her on Tuesday what  would happen if I just quit doing chemotherapy. Her answer?  "That would not be smart."  Then she proceeded to remind me what a great support system I have.  She's met Chuck, Angie, Jordan, and Ella. But I just needed to hear that this is a necessary part of my recovery.  I was just frustrated with how many times I've had to postpone treatment.

I did have chemo on Wednesday and the doctor has deleted one of the meds that UCLA does not use in their treatment.  Hopefully it will make a difference in my white count.  My white count was good but my red count is low.  If it drops to 8 I will need to have another transfusion.  I know that transfusions are much safer than they were even 10 years ago but I really don't like needing to get blood.  My protein level stayed the same, so at least it didn't drop any further.  Angie found a site that listed the most efficient proteins so I used that to try to help build my protein levels.

My rock this week was from Josh & Angie.  Josh wrote a quote by Vincent Peale about how it is never a good time to give up.  Angie reminded me that we need rain to have rainbows.  The messages on the rocks really do encourage me.So do all the kind messages, cards, phone calls and emails I receive.  My doctor is right.  I do have a great support system!


  1. I am glad to hear that you have such a great support system and you have a Dr. that doesn't want you to give up. I know it is hard, but hang in there. HF knows you and of your suffering. He loves you! As do I. :o)

  2. You are strong enough to do this. Maybe this is your Abrahamic test. We miss you and pray for you.
