Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1, 2012

One  of my good friends reminded me that I haven't posted in a while.  There are several reasons for that but I guess it's time to update!

I was able to get chemo on time last week, #9, so I am 3/4 of the way done!  The side effects have been pretty awful this time.  Not a lot of them, but lasting longer than usual and a little more intense.  I still can't rally complain.  If nausea, diarrhea, and tiredness are all I have, that's not so bad.  The meds just don't seem to be working as well this round.  Hopefully I will get to do the last 3 treatments on schedule (I always hope that, unfortunately it just doesn't always go that way).  The doctor also changed my back to work date until November 1.  After the huge disappointment last month of having the last treatment moved to September, I am ok with this.  She said if my counts come up quicker, she can always change to an earlier date.  I realized that if I'm not going to be back for the first day, it really doesn't matter when I return as much as being VERY healthy does so that I don't miss more school once I do return.

I had a fun week with Jessica's kids.  We really didn't get to do anything but I enjoyed having them.  They are getting so big and grown up!  Bailey is only about 1/2" shorter than me and is going innto 8th grade.  Cole is about 2" shorter than me and going into 6th grade.  Lindsay is still quite a bit shorter than me and going into 4th grade.  She wants to be the next Taylor Swift and she and Ella spent a lot of time looking up Taylor on the internet, reading Tiger Beat, and writing their own songs.  I love watching how they grow and change.  I'm still waiting for the day they don't want to come spend time with me but very glad they still love coming to Grandma's.

I got to go to the OC Fair with Jordan & his family and Ella & Hannah.  I rented a scooter for the day because I knew I couldn't walk in the heat all day.  We happened to go on a kids free day, someone handed us an adult ticket, and I get the senior price.  Then we bought wristbands for the kids and Jordan so it was a pretty cheap day.  We had a blast and I love watching the kids have fun.

Jordan, Amity, and Randi are moving back to the Temecula area this weekend.  Randi will start school there in a couple of weeks.  I will be sorry to see them go but I am in a much better place now and feel like I can take care of myself.l  Plus I have Josh & Angie close by and my niece & nephew are close by, too.  I also may be moving.  I have a place to move just 1/2 mile from here.  I've been trying to work with our mortgage company to do a loan mod and I am getting the run around that everyone warned me I would get.  With the thefts we've had in the last 2 years, I don't mind short selling.  There are also a lot of foreclosures in my neighborhood so I know my property value has plummeted!

I finally got a new dog.  Now I'm really not a small dog person.  I love a big dog that can really play with you.  But I got a Shih Tzu. His name is Einstein and he is the cutest thing!  He looks at me with his sweet little face and I melt!  He's allowed on the furniture and even sleeps in my bedroom (but not on my bed!  I haven't gone that far yet!)  He loves to be with me or anyone else who happens to be around.

I also got to go to concerts in the park with all of our old neighbors last Wednesday.  I am hoping to go again tonight.  It was so nice seeing all of them.  I think I'm just glad to be well enough to be able to do some activities, too.

Yesterday Jordan and I drove to Rancho Mirage to meet my sister, Pat and niece, Amy.  Pat had a consultation for a colonscopy and I wanted to be sure her doctor had my history.  It worked out to be great for me because I basically got a second opinion for free.  He basically said all the things my oncologist has been telling me and would do the same treatment so it reassured me that I am doing the right thing.  There are times when I wonder how I know this is worth it.   After we went to lunch and enjoyed talking for a couple of hours.  On the way home, it was pouring rain all the way to Palm Springs/Cabazon.  Going the other way, back to Blythe, Pat and Amy had flash floods and worse all the way to Desert Center.  But it was a nice day, although I was completely worn out by the time I got home.

I also got to go with my sister, Rhonda, to take my dad to lunch last week.  It was great to see him.  He is doing much better and is getting involved with more activities at the home.  I am glad to see his spirits up a little, although I am sure he still has his moments.  We had a nice time and, again, it was good to get out.
Chuck's sister, Dinah, was also here in July for a visit so I got to see most of Chuck's family.

All in all, my spirits are better and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel at this point. I have to say, I am looking forward to being done but I'm glad that at least I can do some things now.  I even went scrapbooking last Saturday!  I didn't make it for the whole time but it was fun!  Thanks for all your continued prayers and support.

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