Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012

Well, all I can say is that it's a good thing that I only have 2 more treatments to go.  The nausea has been so bad these last two times that I don't know that I could take it if I wasn't so close to the end.  I did have chemo this week.  Thursday started out pretty well. I even felt well enough to go meet Chuck in Chatsworth where he was waiting for a run.  That's a story in itself which I will go into in a while. But Thursday night became pretty bad. I also saw my primary care physician on Wednesday so my day at Kaiser was pretty full. But at least i didn't have to make a separate trip up there!

Chuck was home last week on the 7th.  He was due to go back to work on the 12th.  He recently got a "new" truck and it needed some work.  So he checked it into the shop before heading home.  On the 11th, they finally took the truck into the shop to start repairs.  Needless to say, it wasn't ready when he was supposed to report at 9 AM.  They said it would be ready about 5 PM.  He headed out there, got his truck (it was done) and started out of the yard.  The truck started emitting smoke and making noises so he took it right back to the shop.  They had it fixed by Tuesday night and he had to make a pick up in Chatsworth Wednesday morning.  He got to the loading dock to pick up his load.  When he went to pull away from the dock, the truck wouldn't start!  And, he was blocking the company's loading dock.  They sent a mechanic out after having Chuck check all the fuses.  It was finally fixed Wednesday evening but now he was stuck where he was till he had hours again.  That's when I decided to meet him and maybe go to lunch.  I knew if I did, he'd get a run and sure enough, after being there about 10 minutes, he did.  But it was to pick up in Santa Ana Friday morning so he got to come home for another night.  It has been nice having him here.  We signed papers to list our house and even started packing some things.

We will be moving later this month or the beginning of September.  We are just moving about 3/4 of a mile from where we are now but we won't be on the corner lot on the main street!  I am looking forward to that.  I know that I will feel a lot safer.  It's a bigger house, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room.  For most of the time, it will be big but when family come to visit it will be nice.  When Jessica's kids were here last month for a week, it was awfully crowded.  The older the kids get, the more crowded it becomes!

Einstein is doing great!  He misses all the commotion with Jordan, Amity, Randi and their dogs but he loves to follow me everywhere.  He's even getting pretty good at chasing a ball.  I am going to get a second dog to keep him company before I go back to work.

I am going out to Jordan's new place tomorrow to see it.  I will spend the night and get to go with Randi to her first day of school.  She is really excited and can't wait to show me her school.  They have had fires this past week and some people had to evacuate but they were ok.  They are expecting some more lightning strikes this weekend so we are praying for no more fire!

I am obviously not thinking too well right now so I think I'll end this.  Thanks again for all the prayers, love and support.  It really does help!

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